Probably the #1 topic that I get questions about. @syattfitness breaks it down f…

Probably the #1 topic that I get questions about. @syattfitness breaks it down for us down below . Growing up I was an awful student. Like really bad. – Not rude or overly disruptive. Yes one time I did a strip tease in Ms. Notaro’s English class. But to be fair…it was really funny. – Regardless I wasnt that disruptive. I just didn’t do well sitting in a classroom memorizing gobbledygook. – Anyhoodle. – To get through school I made “cheat sheets” like this to condense the most important parts of a topic into a simple easy to read picture. They weren’t everything I needed to know. But they gave me a strong enough base to feel confident digging deeper and learning more on my own. – That’s why I make so many “cheat sheets here on IG. Because many have told me they’re saving and using them for fat loss and muscle gain and strength and blibidee blahbidee bloop. – Anyway. – What we have here is your Macro Cheat Sheet. It covers the essentials of the 3 macronutrients (protein carbs fats) plus a few bonus facts alongside alcohol (which is technically the 4th macronutrient sitting at 7 cals/gram). – Worth nothing you’ll see I included “daily needs” as a section in each post. First LBM stands for “lean body mass.” That’s just how much muscle you have in your body rather than going by your total body weight (which includes more than just muscle –> things like fat and bone and water and poop and playdough you ate as kid). – Second please do NOT let the numbers overwhelm you. My standard recommendation still applies –> hit your calories hit your protein and the rest will fall into place. Really. I mean it. As long as your calories and protein are in check you’re good to go. – Love you. – #alwaysoptimal #sfinnercircle #syattfitness #macros #macronutrients #macrofriendly #macrocounting #calorie #calories #caloriecounting #caloriecount #protein #carbs #carbohydrates #fat #fats #healthyfat #healthyfats #healthyfood #healthydiet #cleaneating #eggs #bread #meat #cheatmeal #cheatday #postworkoutmeal #preworkoutmeal

Source by kylethumm


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